Grateful Dead Chicago 15 Munk One
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• Posts in this forum should directly relate to the artist, art, or artwork.
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• Posts in this forum should directly relate to the artist, art, or artwork.
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- earlgreytoast
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I thought about commissioning Godmachine to make one. He'd be perfect, right?
Codeblue wrote: I’m sorry for everything.
- Member
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:05 pm
Hey Mods, the artist edition is Brown (different from the set pictured) and is a run of 50. The set pictured was only available to VIP ticket holders at the event.
- halftonegraphics
- Art Freak
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Samsjams12 wrote:Hey Mods, the artist edition is Brown (different from the set pictured) and is a run of 50. The set pictured was only available to VIP ticket holders at the event.
there is an AE edition of 20 though, same color as the VIP edition. the sale was pulled via Munk One but i assume the AE (non-brown) edition does exist.
I broke something today, and I realized I should break something once a week.. - Warhol
1xRun Referral
1xRun Referral
- Timbrh2001
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Looks like he dropped some more foils though raised his price substantially.
updatedbtvgeorge wrote:Mods could you please correct this run to 800. Thank you.
Has anyone received these prints and noticed that they aren't an even 18 x 24 inches? A friend of mine received the foils the other day and when we went to put them into an 18 X 24 Nielsen Bainbridge Tribecca poster frame they didn't fit... We measured the prints and they're more like 18-1/8" x 24-1/4. He didn't want to have to get 3 custom frames for them, but it seems he has to now.
- DireWolfCichlids
- Art Enthusiast
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Anyone else have this set, if so what are the correct dimensions?
- DireWolfCichlids
- Art Enthusiast
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:56 pm
Also, are all 3 sets the same paper or foil? I.e. same finish and look, just different colors?