We're back for another year of ARPS and this time it's a two day event being held February 21 and 22, 2025. As in prior years, Sweetwater (sweetwaterbrew.com) hosts the event as part of their Anniversary Party. The event will be FREE on Friday, February 21, 2025, from 5 pm until 7 pm. However, the Saturday show requires purchase of a ticket to Sweetwater's Anniversary Party:
https://www.bigtickets.com/e/pullmanyar ... ary-party/
Here's the Artists Roster:
- Derek Perez - Peregon Creative
- Matt Leunig - Scraped Knee - Matt Leunig
- Tom Shaw - T. Shaw
- Owen Murphy - One Drop Design Studio
- Methane Studios - METHANE STUDIOS
- Taylor Rushing - @twrushing
- Tortuga Design - Tortuga Design Studio
- Subject Matter - Subject Matter Studio
- Brian Steely - Steely Works
- Half Hazard Press - Half Hazard Press
- Brian Bojo - Brian Bojo
- Status Serigraph - Status Serigraph
- Zazzcorp - ZazzCorp
- Graphite Club - @the_graphite_club
- Kory McGeehan - @korymcgeehan
- Schnitzel Bear Studios - Schnitzel Bear Studios
- Andrew Sax - @somesaxyart
- Backside Press - @backsidepress
- Nathaniel Deas - Bourbon Sunday - Art by Nathaniel Deas
It's my understanding Luke Martin is a late (and welcome) addition to the show.
This year, we'll again share a table with TRPS.org. If you attend, please stop by and pick-up some stickers and handbills. Finally, we want to extend our deepest thanks to our co-sponsors:
TRPS.org - Excellent organization and even better people. There is a lot of experience in this organization which has proven invaluable in establishing ARPS. If you're not a member, please consider joining.
Matt Leunig - aka Scraped Knee (https://scrapedknee.com/posters/gig-posters/) In addition to being a cool dude and killer artist (https://expressobeans.com/public/search.php?artist=710), he's also managed to bring some incredible artists to the event year-after-year. Thanks, Matt.
We hope to see some of you at the show.